Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Father, help me to share your heart about Your will, and our will, concerning forgiveness

"Was Job a hopeless case?" Did I not subject his will to chose in faith to believe what he did not understand. Though his counselors tempted him to judge himself, he left judgement to Me, and in the end he received his reward by faith. Job trusted My Love, even to the losing of his own soul, he chose to serve Me. Everything was gone, he was as nothing, yet he willed to surrender to Me.
Satan could never surrender___he has no heart___he is reprobate, the lawless one, the father of lies, the deceiver, that primordial arch enemy of the souls of men, whose insatiable lust for flesh and power drives men and angel to negate from the truth, and turn from the Light that lights all men with their will.
I would have you know this, that the will of the flesh and the will of the mind and the will of the spirit are not the same. For did not my servant Paul say, "the flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing."? So is the will of the flesh greater than the spirit, even though it is willing. And does not the mind will to strengthen the spirit, and yet the flesh rules them both.?
Think on this. It is the spirit of man that fell prey to the wiles of the devil. He most subtly revealed himself as an angel of light, and presumed to present himself as Truth, when there is no truth in him.
It is the spirit of man that fell from grace bringing the will of the flesh and the mind into bondage. It is the spirit that fell into self-condemnation and grieving over such great separation from Life and Love, and could not forgive itself, because of Love for Me. The Light of My Love became enmity with the bondage of flesh and the mind that fell prey in choosing to will against The Spirit of My Word.
The heart needs to remember Love. It needs to remember Trust. It needs to remember Rest. It needs to surrender the will of the flesh, the will of the mind back to the spirit that wills to be forgiven and brought back into right relationship with Me. Love loves Me, love wants to be free of the fear of death. I have come to conciliate the mind and the spirit. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.
Do not listen to the will of the flesh. Do not listen to the fears, doubts, threats, reasoning's, voices of familiar spirits that use the mind to drive the will against the spirit. Your battle is not with flesh and blood, no matter how horrendous it may be. It is a battle with unseen forces, principalities and powers that seek to destroy the spirit of man. That part of you that is eternal. And Satan wants you for his own. It's a choice of Love or Hate, Heaven or Hell. And man has no real comprehension of the realities of Hell except the life he lives on this earth apart from Me. Neither has it entered into his mind the things that I prepare for those who accept and receive concerning Me and which fill the glories of heaven eternal.
Have I not said, "Choose this day whom you will serve"? Now I say, choose to forgive, even as I forgiven those who were yet sinners, and rebuked My name, who forsook the Truth, who denied My Father when they rejected Me.
Will to choose. Will to come with a contrite heart. Will to surrender in faith and trust believing. I Am come in the Now of this hour, it is your redeeming moment. Come while your heart is not hardened against Me. I will give you a new heart of flesh, I will make you a new creation, I will make you Mine. I will seal you against the Day of my Wrath which comes upon all men who will against Me.
Though your heart condemn you, I tell you I will not condemn you, I am the Faithful and True One. I hold Life and Death in my hand. Will you will to choose this day, LIFE"?
Come just as you are, come see if My Word is not the Truth. Forgive yourself, for I have already forgiven you. It is My free gift to you. Come, then go and sin no more. Will you?

I read over this Word, and couldn't believe how many times the word ((( will ))) was used.
When we give it some thought. Everything we say, think or do has something to do with the will. It is so wonderful to be free from the fear of wrath, fear of man, fear of uncontrollable circumstances, ruthless and controlling forces in our lives that destroy hopes and dreams and relationships to the point we are either broken in spirit or exploding with hatred and revenge.
I personally do not believe that forgiveness means we have this gushy lovey "I forgive you" feeling that leaves us free of any remembrance of what or who we needed to forgive. Even Jesus had nail scares in His hands, feet and side. Jacob had a broken hip that God did not heal. Paul had a thorn of some type of infirmity that God left to remind him that his weakness was made strong in God....I think that means that it causes us to remember where our deliverance from the weak willed person we are is made strong in Christ.
Thank you for letting me, share what came upon my heart this evening. There's only one thing I pray comes from writing it___I pray that you have realized the Love that has come to make a way for you to be set free from the power that drives the will of your mind and flesh against your spirit. It is the Spirit of God that wills to will in you revealing Christ. I know there's power in the shed blood of Christ. But at my old age, I have to confess shamefully that I do not claim to understand the Love that will not let me go. The Love that patiently abides with me in ALL of my ways. I am a work in progress. The workmanship of His hands. And He does not do half a work. In fact He saw it finished on that cross. All I have to do in every moment I live is thank Him for the gift that is mine___my life that is His, Christ in me, and me in Him. I don't understand it, but I claim it, I believe it, I receive it. It is finished. I will to forgive, for He has forgiven me. I WILL!
I've struggled so many times with just how You yourself can forgive. The patience of Your mercy, the heights and depths of Your Love and grace that is boundless beyond measure. Our hearts grow cold with anger, vengeance, pride and jealousy to the point that we can't even imagine forgiving anyone or anything.
How can a cold heart, a hardened heart forgive Lord? What kind of Love can take the rejection, the false accusations, the abuse, the humiliation that you endured by your own creatures and not know vengeance or anger toward them?
Then I think of my own sons. And in spite of the choices they have and are making for themselves and their own children, it is Love that forgives and presses the heart to pray for their salvation.
Has Your heart ever felt the coldness of hopelessness Lord? Did You ever feel that your created sons and daughters were a hopeless case?
I won't even mention the atrocities that come upon the innocents. Or the depths of the reprobate mind.

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