Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I heard the echo of a Sunday School song ringing in my heart today. "Deep and Wide, deep and wide, there's a fountain flowing deep and wide."
In the beginning, I didn't have a clue what it meant. But as the years have gone by and I have drank of the Living Waters of Father God's Spirit Word, I have come to know in a measure of His Sons great love.
I thirst for more and more of Him. That One whose Waters are fathomless and reach out beyond the furthest reaches of the horizon.
My soul cries out, " Lord, expand my soul, my mind and my spirit. Fill me up Lord, and let me overflow with all of who you are.
Look at me Lord, My arms will only reach this far. I ask that You will embrace me with your omnipotence, that I might know with complete faith that I am yours, and You are mine. That I might give you glory and honor and praise..

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