We stand our tallest when kneeling in prayer, in the power of His mercy and grace. In the power of Spirit and Truth.
To stand tall in the Spirit, is to stand strong and steadfast. One who can go into battle covenanted to give all to the glory and purpose of God and His Kingdom.
I was blessed recently concerning a story in II Samuel 23: It speaks of mighty men who were David's chief men at his side. It is parabolic of our times.
There is a picture of the order of those who serve Christ, according to their faith and commitment. Their trustworthiness. They were all valiant, noble and honorable men, but there were only three who were mighty in the surrender of themselves to the full will and purpose of David, and to the vision and promise of God's anointing and purpose for his life, and the life of God's people.
Read the 23 Chapter of Samuel, if you will. The exploits and heart of these three men, will inspire you to take up your cross and follow Him.
There are two that spoke to my own heart in particular. The one who could not let go of his sword after the fight. The sword actually seemed to become an extension of his hand. In his weariness of the fight, he sees it through to the end, sword in hand.
I ashamedly have taken up things in the service of the Lord___starting with zeal, and then in the heat of the battle, have not finished to the end.
There always comes a point of commitment, of tediousness, weariness or great cost in serving the Lord.___in some cases even grave danger. It is then that our hand slackens and we are tempted to not endure. Where is our spiritual stamina?
The mark of a mighty man (strengthened by the Lord) is a stamina that goes beyond our own initial zeal and enthusiasm__beyond the fresh challenge of a new situation.
Remember Peter, who boasted of his willingness to fight for the Lord? But Jesus saw his heart. The Bible is full of stories, of those who stood the test, of facing giants like the young shepherd boy David. Of Daniel, in the lions den, the three young captives who were throne into an oven for not bowing to a strange god. And then some of those who had special callings and fled, like Elijah, Jonah, Jacob, and the 11 disciples at Christ's Crucifixion.
These Philistine spirits come against us today, wave after wave of them, rushing against us and constantly renewing their attacks.
No matter who we are in Christ, no matter what giant you may be facing, or the roar of lions against you, or how hot the fires of affliction__ it is just because we are His, that we too will face the enemy of our souls in the coarse of our lives. And like so many before us, we will become weary, heart-sick, and worn out from the battle___I beseech you brethren to"keep your hand on to that sword___ the Word and Promises of God___ till you have finished the coarse." II Timothy. 4:7 ___Raf
To stand tall in the Spirit, is to stand strong and steadfast. One who can go into battle covenanted to give all to the glory and purpose of God and His Kingdom.
I was blessed recently concerning a story in II Samuel 23: It speaks of mighty men who were David's chief men at his side. It is parabolic of our times.
There is a picture of the order of those who serve Christ, according to their faith and commitment. Their trustworthiness. They were all valiant, noble and honorable men, but there were only three who were mighty in the surrender of themselves to the full will and purpose of David, and to the vision and promise of God's anointing and purpose for his life, and the life of God's people.
Read the 23 Chapter of Samuel, if you will. The exploits and heart of these three men, will inspire you to take up your cross and follow Him.
There are two that spoke to my own heart in particular. The one who could not let go of his sword after the fight. The sword actually seemed to become an extension of his hand. In his weariness of the fight, he sees it through to the end, sword in hand.
I ashamedly have taken up things in the service of the Lord___starting with zeal, and then in the heat of the battle, have not finished to the end.
There always comes a point of commitment, of tediousness, weariness or great cost in serving the Lord.___in some cases even grave danger. It is then that our hand slackens and we are tempted to not endure. Where is our spiritual stamina?
The mark of a mighty man (strengthened by the Lord) is a stamina that goes beyond our own initial zeal and enthusiasm__beyond the fresh challenge of a new situation.
Remember Peter, who boasted of his willingness to fight for the Lord? But Jesus saw his heart. The Bible is full of stories, of those who stood the test, of facing giants like the young shepherd boy David. Of Daniel, in the lions den, the three young captives who were throne into an oven for not bowing to a strange god. And then some of those who had special callings and fled, like Elijah, Jonah, Jacob, and the 11 disciples at Christ's Crucifixion.
These Philistine spirits come against us today, wave after wave of them, rushing against us and constantly renewing their attacks.
No matter who we are in Christ, no matter what giant you may be facing, or the roar of lions against you, or how hot the fires of affliction__ it is just because we are His, that we too will face the enemy of our souls in the coarse of our lives. And like so many before us, we will become weary, heart-sick, and worn out from the battle___I beseech you brethren to"keep your hand on to that sword___ the Word and Promises of God___ till you have finished the coarse." II Timothy. 4:7 ___Raf
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