Wednesday, October 3, 2012



by Teresa Seputis

Child of Mine, I am drawing you in closer to Myself. I have been
issuing invitation after invitation to you to press in. Draw close to
Me. This is a time and a season where great supernatural forces at
work in the lives of every believer. I am actively at work to draw
you closer, but the enemy is also actively at work to push you away.
Which one are you going to cooperate with?

I have ordained that this is a season of increased intimacy, where My
own draw closer to Me. I want to breathe My life into you, I want to
strengthen you and make you unshakable. I choose to do this from the
place of intimacy, where My own come before Me, receive My love, wait
on Me and worship Me. The more time you spend with Me, the more you
will become like Me; the more you will be able to see what I am doing
and (co-labor) with Me.

The enemy of your soul is doing what He can to prevent you from spending
time with Me. He is using many things: business, fatigue, frustration,
fear, discouragement. His desire is to isolate you from Me so that you
won't be refreshed, revived, strengthened and invigorated. He wants to
wear you down and take you out. He knows that he cannot succeed in his
strategy as long as you walk close to Me. That is why he is doing what
he can to separate you.

This has been one of his strategies throughout the ages, but right now
he is intensifying it; he is using it more and more. As a result, it has
become easier and easier for My own to drift away from that place of
abiding in Me. Right now, the devil is doing all he can to draw My own
away from that close relationship and intimacy with Me. He is also
whispering lies to you, trying to make Me seem unsafe. He condemns you
for your seeming failures, and then tries to make you afraid to come to
Me because of them.

I, on the other hand, am working more actively in the lives of each of
My own. I want to draw you closer than you have walked before. I want to
rework some of your preconceptions and misconceptions about what intimacy
with Me looks like. I want to fine-tune your hearing, so that you can
easily recognize even My faintest whisper. I want to rework the desires
of your heart, so that you naturally begin to desire the same things I
desire and despise the things that I hate. I want you to experience My
love and My compassion and My acceptance over and over again--I want
to saturate you in My presence. But I can't do that if you don't come
to Me.

Dear one, don't be afraid to draw near. Come close and press in. Seek
Me, dear one, and you shall surely find Me. Right now I desire greatly
to be "found" of My own. I want to reveal more of Myself to you, I
want to strengthen you and hold you and pour My love upon you. Dear
one, this is the time and season of intimacy with your God. Do not run
from it and do not be afraid to draw near. Do not allow anything to
distract you from spending time with Me! Come close, dear one, and sit
in My presence. Let Me breathe My life and My love upon you. Draw
close to Me, dear one, and breathe in My life, for this is a season of

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