Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Lord, thank you for the love of the brethren. For those who are moved by your Spirit to give prayerful council and encouragement. Not like the friends of Job, but those who are still before you and ready to be used as true comforters___those who speak your own heart, who seek your peace and rest for them as a balm for their mind and soul.

Today, more than once, you comforted me with the love of brethren. You showed me what true peace makers are. Yes, there are those who try to bring peace out of conflict, or peace in the midst of confusion, doubt and fear. But we usually think of it in humanistic terms, of the home, community, the nation and the world.

But there are those peace makers that come in the midst of personal conflict. When one needs to be encouraged with your Word, a clear Word of wisdom, comfort, or guidance. A Word of prayer, that touches the throne and stands with you until there's an answer.

Sometimes I wish there was another term for thank you. One that truly conveys that which I am helpless to say.

So I will say thank you for seeing my heart, and knowing it in it's true intent. Be praised above all else, my Lord for the at-one-ness of Your love through the brethren. Amen

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