Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Have you ever measured the size of your feet with someone else, or the size of your hand against another's? Vanity will do that, but that's not what I'm talking about.
Sometimes when we want to do things we see the Lord doing, we measure our feet against His, or we measure our hand against His, and have to admit that we haven't grown into His shoes, or can handle what only His hand can control.
Actually, for me, it's more the other way around. I may take off bare footed to do something I'm sure the Lord would have me do. But I don't get far before I run head long into His nail scared feet. I'm also guilty of putting my hands into His workmanship thinking, "surely He needs my help," and then His nail scared hand appears next to mine so that I can see the Measure of it, to remind me who's doing the work.
Sometimes, like tonight, I want so badly to share with you of His immeasurable love, but only He can reveal it to your heart and mind. There's nothing that I can say that will convey His Love in a way that will penetrate the heart like His Holy Spirit can.
So when we walk, talk, or handle the things of God's Spirit Word, it is vitally important to be equipped, ready and fully prepared, to do His bidding. To come and to go, to speak and be silent, to lay our hands to the tasks He assigns us. Any zeal without knowledge, any works without faith, any mission without a calling, has not measured God's hand to the task first.
He is the power and the might of our calling. He is the Spirit Word that speaks Life and Light, Strength and witness to the One being revealed as the source of the message, the source of the work. This I know___by the measure of His Hand.

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