Wednesday, October 3, 2012

This  picture captured my heart this morning.

The Holy Spirit moves upon the new creation in me to "see" with my heart the things that give our Lord great joy.

When we bought this small humble home, just over a year ago,  an elderly lady in her 90s  had left behind what I thought might be a Philodendron plant, which she stuck in the corner of the living room all by itself.  I'm not exaggerating when I say that it was the most pitiful and neglected plant I had ever seen.

Now I am no green thumb, by any means,  and I know this sounds ridiculous,  but I had such a feeling of compassion on that plant, so when "Mr. Moses", my husband, told me to throw it out,  I whimpered as though he wanted me to turn my back on my best friend.____  I know,  I know. 

I couldn't back down from what I felt in my heart about this plant.  Mr. Moses took great sympathy on my outrageous attachment to a dying plant and gave me a set time to see what I could do. 

I wish I had a before and after picture to show you.  I'm not kidding about the fact that the plant only had about 4 to 5 leaves left on it.  It was root bound in a small pot for it's size.  When I questioned in my heart about transferring it to a larger pot,  I felt a definite no.

I didn't have a clue what to do and just followed my instincts.  Now again, this will sound crazy,  but what I thought were instincts became inner promptings,  like when to water.  I placed the plant into the corner of our sun room (dining room) where we spend 90 percent of our time.  Right between two adjoining windows which get the morning, afternoon and evening sun. 

Oh I could just go on and on about my relationship with a dieffenbachia plant.  Yes,  I even felt to know it's real name. 

The flower is similar to a calla lily, a close relative, which are typically grown as foliage plants.  They are of the arum family, which includes elephant ears, pothos, monstera and eternity plants.  I'm sure that is of little interest to most of us, kind of like I just love my grandma, and any one before her, who's dead, doesn't interest me.  Boy!  did I just say that?

Well, here I am a year later,  and still wrapping my arms around my friend "Dieffen".  Beautiful Dieffen.  He is loaded with a  total of 14 blooms to the amazement of all who see him/her.  I've been told that I must be loved, because they only bloom when they are happy. 

There's a world of Love that goes on all around us.  Even in the pause of a forest fox to partake of the scent of a golden daffodil. 

Lord, teach me today, to stop, to pause to share with you the simple yet magnanimous joys of your gifts of love.  To look up and see Your loving gaze upon me,  and the "knowing" that I am your special creation, and feel your embrace.

Lord, You make me so happy,  I bloom for You!

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